Qingwei Wang(įŽ‹æ¸…č‘ŗ)

🚗 I've graduated from SUST with a bachelor's degree in Information and Computing Science!

🐂 I've graduated from CTGU with a master's degree in Computer Technology!

🐉 I'm currently working on CS department @SUSTech as Research Assistant.

🐏 I'm currently looking for a PhD position in computer vision and deep learning.

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Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, School of Arts and Sciences         2015.09-2019-06

China Three Gorges University, School of Computer and Information Sciences        2021.09-2024.07

Working Experience

Southern University of Science and Technology      2023.2-2024.3

Visiting Student

Engaged in research on multimodality at the Tracking Group, Visual Intelligence & Perception Lab, SUSTech.

Focus on multi-modal camouflage object detection.

The paper on Depth-aided Camouflaged Object Detection has been accepted by ACM MM 2023.

Southern University of Science and Technology      2024.7-present

Research Assistant


I'm interested in camouflage object detection, multi-modal approaches, computer vision, and machine learning..

Note that *contributed equally

Depth-aided Camouflaged Object Detection
Qingwei Wang*, Jinyu Yang*, Xiaosheng Yu, Fangyi Wang, Peng Chen, Feng Zheng
ACM MM, 2023    (CCF A)
Project pagePaper

We introduce depth information as an additional cue to help break camouflage.

Feel free to steal this website's source code. Thanks to JonBarron.